What Are the Benefits of a Standby Home Generator?

September 20, 2023

A standby home generator is a type of generator that provides backup power to your home in the event of an outage. It works by automatically detecting when your home’s power supply fails and then kicks into action, providing you with reliable electricity. As a result, you and your family can still enjoy electricity as normal, even during a power outage. This has numerous benefits and makes standby home generators a great investment for any homeowner. Convenience and Reliability Instead of having to deal with manually setting up a generator during an outage, you can rest easy knowing that your...

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Hiring an Electrician: Understanding the Costs

August 7, 2023

Electricians are skilled professionals who handle various tasks. The cost of hiring a local electrician can vary depending on several factors, such as the specific job’s nature, duration, and complexity. Below are some common electrical jobs that can significantly impact your budget. Outlet Installation Installing a standard electrical outlet is a common service for most households. To make the most of your budget, have us install multiple outlets simultaneously or incorporate the installation within a larger electrical project. Additional costs may arise for specific requirements, such as outdoor outlets or larger 220-volt outlets for appliances like washers and dryers. Whole...

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Why Install an Electric Vehicle Charging Station?

July 26, 2023

With electric vehicles becoming more popular, the need for EV charging stations is on the rise. An EV charging station allows you to quickly and easily charge your vehicle with electricity. There are many benefits to installing one of these stations in your home or business. Here are some of the main advantages. Cost Savings Installing an EV charging station can help you save money in the long run. Depending on your location, you may get a discount on electricity for EV charging. This means you will end up paying less than using a regular gas-powered vehicle. Additionally, the cost...

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Get Control of Your Energy Bill with these 5 Easy Changes

August 1, 2020

Want to save money on your electricity bills? Here are 5 tips to conserve energy and save money! #1. Energy Efficient Appliances If you have several old appliances, they will work together to increase your utility bills throughout the year drastically. Old dishwashers will use more water. Old hot water tanks take more power and time to heat up less water. Refrigerators and freezers run longer and work harder to keep our food safe. Replacing old appliances with new, energy efficient products will cut down our costs while also increasing our ability to cook (and eat!) wonderful things in the...

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5 Ways to Cut Your Summer Electricity Costs

July 1, 2020

Summer comes with many extra costs like vacations, camping, and family fun outdoors. We don’t want rising electrical prices to diminish our enjoyment of summer. Here are 5 ways to save energy and money this summer. Dry Your Clothes Outside Our clothes dryers use a lot of energy, and they may contribute to heating up our house in the summer depending on where you keep them. The summer heat is perfect for drying your laundry outside! Whether you have an umbrella rack installed in your backyard, a line running from your house to your garage, or even a system of...

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Here’s How To Save Money While Staying Cool This Summer

July 1, 2020

When summer days get hotter, air conditioning can be so awesome! It feels so good to escape the heat and cool down in the comfort of your home. At least it feels good and cool until the first skyrocketing energy bill comes in. Then things really heat up! How can you keep your house cool but also save money on the cost to cool it? 1. Set your thermostat to a reasonably good temperature. Before setting your thermostat to 72 degrees because that’s room temperature, keep in mind that we tend to dress in lighter clothes during the summer. Try...

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5 Tips to Protect Your Home While You’re on Vacation

June 1, 2020

Just because you’re away on vacation doesn’t mean you don’t stop thinking about or needing to take care of your house. Here are 5 tips to make sure your home is safe from electrical issues while you are gone. Unplug Even when your devices are turned off, they still use up power and electricity and could be subject to surges and shorts. By unplugging your devices, specifically things like your TV, computers, lamps, and more you will save money on electrical use and protect from any potential fire hazards. Unless you want a stinky mess when you come home, you...

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What Temperature Should the A/C Be Set At in the Summer?

June 1, 2020

Everyone seems to have an opinion on how low the indoor temperature should be in the summer when running the air conditioning. Many people just think 72 degrees because that’s standard room temperature, but others think it should be higher when it’s hotter outside. Recently, while inspecting a rented house, I saw that the tenant had set their air conditioning to 55 degrees! What temperature should the air conditioning be set at in your home for the summer? What factors should you consider when making this decision? Why You Might Want To Set The Temperature A Bit Higher Than Your...

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Electrical Safety and Kids

May 1, 2020

Kids are naturally energetic and curious. They can get into absolutely everything, especially what you don’t want them to. Because of this, kids can get in to danger and we must be diligent about electrical safety in our homes. Wires Look out for frayed wires! Fraying typically happens on either end of the wire and can occur because of time or the way in which we use the wires. If they are pinched or bent against the wall by a piece of furniture, a break is likely to happen in the cable and our wires can get damaged. And while...

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6 Sounds You Don’t Want To Hear From Your Air Conditioning or Furnace

May 1, 2020

When summer is coming on, it can be surprising how quickly we adjust the thermostat from giving us a little heat in the morning to take the chill off the house to switching on the air conditioning to combat the afternoon heat. Even if the furnace has been working well throughout the winter, if you start hearing one of these seven sounds, you may have a problem and need to contact an HVAC professional before it turns into an even larger repair bill. Scraping Sound A loud scraping noise, a grating metal-on-metal sound, coming from inside your furnace could be...

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