Electrical remodels in Beaverton, OR, bring older and historic homes up to date with current market standards and building codes.

Although your home’s wiring could last up to 50 years, changes in electrical demand, increased devices and appliances, and major building renovations make it necessary to refine electrical infrastructure.

Although we streamline our electrical remodeling projects to suit each client’s budgets, goals, and needs, they remain among the biggest and most important projects homeowners can invest in.

With a comprehensive remodeling plan, our renovation electricians can minimize your risk of electrical fires, extend the lifespans of your electronics, and prevent common functional problems like frequent breaker trips.

Electrical Remodels in Beaverton

Many Beaverton residents invest in electrical remodels before installing new heating or cooling equipment, upgrading refrigerators, freezers, or ovens, and adding new rooms or conversions. Electrical system improvements are excellent for boosting homes’ value, marketability, and financial worthiness before selling them.

We ensure residential electrical systems can pass lender-required inspections during our electrical remodeling projects. We swap out outdated electrical features for new ones, inspect and replace ground-fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) outlets, give major appliances their dedicated circuits, and more.

Each electrical remodel is unique, but these projects typically include several important services:

We can replace your outlets if you haven’t done so in over 20 years. If aspects of your electrical system have maintained their integrity over time, we’ll replace only the features that aren’t code-compliant or functioning correctly.

Suppose you recently converted your basement into a rec room or just finished an attic bedroom. In that case, our renovation electricians can hardwire this space for overhead lighting, outlet accessibility, and supporting zone-specific heating and cooling equipment. Electrical remodeling is crucial after homes have sustained significant water or fire damage and major pest infestations.

If you’ve had rats, mice, or other rodents chew through your wiring or leave residue in your outlets, refreshing your electrical system will eliminate the resulting performance issues, indoor air quality (IAQ) concerns, and fire hazards. You should additionally consider working with our team if you have signed outlets, outlets that spark, frequently tripped breakers, or a history of electrical shorts or fires.

Your Top-Rated Renovation Electricians

As top-rated renovation electricians, we’re committed to providing stellar customer support, excellent workmanship, and competitive, easy-to-understand pricing. We can help you choose the perfect range of electrical upgrades for meeting your goals, enhancing the safety and appeal of your home, and supporting your lifestyle.

We can add whole-house surge protection to your electrical renovation project to protect your electrical system and everything you have hardwired or plugged into.

To learn more about the benefits of electrical remodels in Beaverton, contact Falcon Services today.